Sabrina Gordon Fitness Nutrition Coach Philadelphia

coach Sabrina

Current Favorite Food
Pretzels, especially dark chocolate or giant soft

Sports Background
Soccer, basketball, lacrosse, and CrossFit

Trainings & Certifications
Precision Nutrition Coaching Certification (2021)
CrossFit Level 2 Training (2023)
CrossFit Gymnastics Training (2020)

A lifelong athlete, Sabrina has faced her share of challenges with weight and body confidence. About a decade ago when finding CrossFit, she began to get curious about nutrition for performance. Today, she combines her deep nutrition expertise, extensive coaching experience, and personal journey to help people build confidence and self-worth through nutritional and mindset shifts.

Sabrina works with a variety of clients, with a special interest in supporting women who struggle with under-eating and persistent dieting, as well as athletes seeking to optimize their performance. Her coaching style offers a healthy dose of tough love, while keeping it real and always being in her client's corner without judgment. She understands that nutrition often becomes an emotional topic when digging deep and is fully committed to guiding clients through these challenges.

Outside of her professional work, Sabrina is dedicated to training as a competitive CrossFit athlete and coaching both CrossFit and olympic weightlifting. Her passions include health, fitness and her dog, Josie. (She says her husband is pretty cool, too.)