Jessi Seidman Hall Fitness Nutrition Coach Chicago

coach Jessi

Current Favorite Food
Tavern-style pizza and *heavily* iced cinnamon buns

Sports Background
Soccer, tennis, crossfit and olympic weightlifting

Trainings & Certifications
Precision Nutrition Coaching Certification (2018)
Pre & Postnatal Coaching Specialist Certification, GCG Academy (2022)

Jessi is a seasoned nutrition coach with decades of personal experience untangling diet culture, body image standards, and proper fueling as a competitive athlete. As co-founder of PLTFRM, she is passionate about simplifying nutrition for her clients, helping them find peace with eating habits, and discovering how good they can feel in their bodies (or how strong they can become in the gym!).

Adopting a flexible approach, Jessi knows that there are many different ways for an individual to achieve their goals. Because of this, she maintains open and ongoing communication with her clients to assess what works, what doesn't, and how their goals and priorities may evolve. Jessi emphasizes that nutrition doesn't have to be all or nothing; instead she guides her clients towards a level of consistency rather than perfection - allowing them to enjoy their favorite foods in moderation while still achieving their fitness goals.

Jessi works with many different types of people - from those who have been dieting their whole lives, to expecting or newly postpartum moms, to high performing athletes, including triathletes, olympic weightlifters, powerlifters, and CrossFit athletes. While the core principles of nutrition remain the same, her strategies are tailored to each client's unique experience and goals.

Beyond her professional life, Jessi enjoys exploring new restaurants, traveling to different countries, and spending quality time with her family - which includes chasing after their toddler and rescue dog.