Amanda Bridges Fitness Nutrition Coaching Chicago

coach Amanda

Current Favorite Food
Potatoes, in any form. Give me all the starchy, carby goodness!

Sports Background

Trainings & Certifications
Precision Nutrition Coaching Certification (2024)
CrossFit Level 2 Training (2020)

Amanda has been navigating the world of nutrition for over a decade, gaining deep insights and nuanced understandings of what works and what doesn't. After being a hardcore follower of a few popular diet approaches, she finally landed on an evidence-based approach that emphasizes consistency and long-term sustainability. In one summer following this approach, she lowered her body fat percentage by 7%, without having to give up french fries! She knew she was on to something truly effective and became inspired to help others find simple solutions to the complex and highly misunderstood topic of nutrition.

Working with Amanda involves a collaborative process of helping clients identify and implement strategies that fit seamlessly into their lives. She understands that while the core principles of nutrition remain the same, each person's goals and way of implementing them are different. Amanda thrives with clients who are engaged, ask questions and provide detailed information about their experience - allowing her to better tailor strategies to optimize their diet in a way that suits their lifestyle and personal needs.

Beyond nutrition coaching, Amanda is a full-time CrossFit coach, dedicated to helping people move better and enjoy the process. She also enjoys playing music, reading sci-fi and fantasy novels, and being with the loves of her life - her husband, Alex, and dog, Icebox.