Adam Hall Fitness Nutrition Coach Chicago

coach Adam

Current Favorite Food
I can't say no to a good burger. Doesn't need to be fancy - a simple backyard barbecue is A-okay with me.

Sports Background
CrossFit, weightlifting, soccer, and hockey - with more recent explorations in triathlon, cycling, and skateboarding

Trainings & Certifications
Precision Nutrition Coaching Certification (2018)
CrossFit Level 1 (2015)

Adam's journey into nutrition looked like many others'. He tried everything under the sun: prescribed meal plans, group challenges, apps, and 1:1 coaching programs. But he never found what he was truly looking for, which he realized was a sustainable approach to nutrition that fit in with his values and priorities. These experiences inspired Adam to pivot from his engineering career to helping people attain what they are really looking for out of their nutrition and fitness. As co-founder of PLTFRM, Adam and the team focus on providing a client-centered coaching relationship designed to foster lasting change according to each individual's lifestyle and goals.

With years of coaching experience, Adam understands the crucial role psychology plays in helping clients embrace new nutritional habits. His approach is dedicated to helping clients navigate the mental and emotional aspects of habit change and identify core beliefs that must shift to overcome unsupportive (often self-sabotaging) behaviors.

Adam is a versatile coach who works with a diverse range of clients, from beginners with no prior nutrition knowledge to advanced athletes with tracking experience. He views each client as unique and strives to deeply understand their background, mindset, goals, motivations, needs, and strengths. This personalized approach enables him to tailor his strategies and communication to maximize the value of his clients' investment.

Aside from his professional life, Adam and his wife are busy raising their young child and preparing for their second baby. They try to get outside as often as possible and enjoy new (kid-friendly) restaurants. In his spare time, Adam is passionate about playing sports and learning new ones.